
All music for this song written by, performed by, and copyright Chicken Fried Funk

All lyrics for this song written by and copyright Javier Izquierdo

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We all see the man in our little bleeding screen
setting his fellow men on fire after making them scream
and we won't care, seeing all the pain in flames
and we'll watch it over and over again

Sometimes I feel so lost...

And she won't tell what happened last night
What did the guy do? What made her so sad?
She'll hide and forgive but never forget
And the one that loves her won't be able to help

Why do I sometimes feel so lost?

We can do so much better than that
so why are our deeds so foul?
Why when I scream I make no sound...?

I hear them tell how they got their orgasms out loud
how they fuck everyone and walk so proud
how they got so drunk, they got so high
how life's a drug, how the sad get a smile

but how did they get so lost?

And she won't believe in any man
'cause "all what they want is some skin for tonight"
and he crawls and cries in his bed at night
for her lack of trust, for her fake smile

and sometimes she feels so lost.

We can do so much better than that
so why are our deeds so foul?
why when I scream I make no sound?

If I had one more day
I'd make it worth my while
I'd make it worth you while
Embracing with these wings
A million miles
A million miles of white
like every time I swim
in your deep brown eyes
I get lost and go blind
Nothing in this world
will take me from this sky
will make me let you down

Sitting in this bar at the end of the street
It's 4 A.M. and every one has had enough to drink
talking 'bout human nature, always been there always will
now the man breaks bread and comes back to the sin

and how he gets often so lost.

The nights and days hurry up and pass by
and you'll get lost easy once in a while
there are a million stories I could tell you tonight
but you better think of yours as your own guiding light

unless you still want to be so lost.

We can do so much better than that
so why are our deeds so foul?
why when I scream I make no sound...?