"Her Worth"

All music for this song written by, performed by, and copyright Chicken Fried Funk

All lyrics for this song written by and copyright Javier Izquierdo

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He gazes with hope and hunger
dreams and cries night and day
wants to drink from the brown naked flesh
but guilt and sin live within
Gold and silver carss her
part of the price he has to pay
and something rots even if it smells so fresh
something died when she came in.

He's the eunuch and she's the voice
he castrates his life for her
and when he'll lose her he'll have no choice
cut his wrists in a cheap Venice hotel
While other men live in triumph
other men find a pointless death
this one rooms with Pain and Sorrow
for the lifeless touch of her hand.

What is her worth? What are the things worth craing for? What is her worth in this kingdom of wrong?

And you know but you want to
the way hideousness swims with innocence
like a swarm where you cannot tell
the lie from the simle, one bee from the other
As you feel the blade sinking in
you taste your own blood from within
"give me a reason why I should care"
-you ask ... we have a lifetime to explain

What is her worth? What are the things worth caring for?
What is her worth? ... We have a lifetime to explain.