"Coming To You"

All music for this song written by, performed by, and copyright Chicken Fried Funk

All lyrics for this song written by and copyright Javier Izquierdo

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I  have owed you these words for so long
maybe since the morning i was born
I have been caged in this shell all this time
but I'm breaking through...

you've waited nights of dryness
I've been crossing a desert in a storm
to get to you

Locked up in this cage I dream I leave
walk through Belfast up the hill
where nothing can touch me
where you and dad walk hand in hand

    This day seems different somehow
    my heart racing with no doubt
    on my way... I'm coming to you

Two warriors of stone at the gates
wave helpless as I leave in this train

so much in common with my life
too many places not enough time
lives come and go
my thoughts fly always to you

    This day seems different somehow 
    my heart racing with no doubt
    on my way... I'm coming to you
    I'm on my way, I'm coming to you

...and home flows like honey through my feet
silent, violent, beatuiful and weird
shuts my eyes
takes me away
far away, to someone else's dream.